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Strategic Balancing and Power Play in the North Caucasus - International Implications of the Rise of Chechnya Under Kadyrov

Matthew Hedges, Analyst and Project Manager, INEGMA
May 6, 2013

While Chechnya has previously undertaken an decade-long battle against violent extremism, Islamic militancy in the Chechen republic has dramatically declined under the rule of Ramzan Kadyrov. Following the two Chechen wars in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Chechnya is undergoing a rapid period of reconstruction and development, largely thanks to funds from Moscow. However, according to reports emanating from the Russian and Chechen press, the Russian Duma has agreed to lower financial contributions to the Chechen republic leaving Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov in a vulnerable position. Kadyrov seems to now be shifting his focus to developing his energy sector and attracting foreign investment from the Middle East. Ramzan Kadyrov now faces the challenge of managing Chechnya's growth, in light of Moscow's attempts to restrict his autonomy, by balancing a number of conflicting forces in hopes of building an autonomous Chechen republic.

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